CRAMPED, TREMBLING, COLD, and admittedly out of their element, Jonathan Archer and Trip Tucker hunkered elbow to elbow inside the little Suliban cell ship as it blew free of the Enterprise and shot out into the swirling atmospheric sea. Visibility was almost nil—just a wall of blue gas.
Tucker gripped the controls with passionate terror and forced himself to concentrate almost yard by yard as the ship raced forward, fighting its own power and the turbulence at the same time.
Archer flinched when a light came on. “What’s that?”
“Travis said not to worry about that panel.”
“That’s reassuring ...”
They were thrown against each other when the cell hit an atmospheric pocket. Tucker held the steering mechanism with both hands and battled to compensate. He was dripping sweat despite the cold.
Queasy and bloodless, Archer fought to keep steady himself. “They sure didn’t build these things for comfort.”
“Wait till we get the Klingon in here with us. If I’m reading this right, we should be about twenty kilometers from Enterprise.”
“Drop the pitch thirty degrees.”
“Look! The Enterprise!”
For just an instant, the visibility cleared, just enough to show a portion of the starship above them taking a hard whack from a luminous weapon stream.
“They’re taking a lot of bad fire,” Archer mentioned. “I should’ve given her permission for evasive maneuvers. If they change position, the Suliban’ll have to look for them all over again.”
“If they move, we might never find them again,” Tucker reminded. “She’ll probably just ride it out.”
Archer gazed at the vision of the ship just as it disappeared again in a curtain of blue muck. He saw T’Pol’s face, determined to hold position and give them their best shot, and he silently apologized to her for his snotty remarks. “That’s what I’m counting on.”
Tucker shouldered into a maneuver, his lips tight and his eyes squinting. “You’ve changed your tune about her. ...”
“I think it’s changing some,” Archer agreed. “After a whole lifetime of watching Vulcans generalize about humans, seems I was doing the same thing about them. I just took it out on her.” He found a sheepish little grin and bounced it off Tucker. “I think I’ll stop now.”
Tucker’s expression was dubious, but accepting of the redesigned attitude. Even hopeful?
“Look at this,” he said then, pointing at the adjusting screens. “I think we’re there.”
“Bring the docking interface on-line.”
Tucker went for a button—then stopped. He chose a completely different button. The interface hummed to life. The cell ship rattled around them.
“Coaxial ports,” Archer ordered.
Another control twanged. A quick, hissing sound blew some kind of ballast or docking mechanisms somewhere on the skin of the cell ship. Tucker embraced the steering mechanism and began to ease the ship downward. Through the ports, they could see blue phosphorous clouds begin to thin out. A moment later, they broke into clear space.
“Where is it?” Tucker gulped. “It was right there!”
Squinting through a sheet of sweat, Archer studied the graphic. “Bank starboard ninety degrees.”
Tucker heaved the controller over. The ship banked sharply, taking their stomachs with it.
A dizzying view of the Suliban complex rose directly below them.
“There you are!” Tucker howled.
“That’s the upper support radius,” Archer said, proud that he could recognize anything in that mass. “Drop down right below it. Start a counterclockwise sweep.”
The cell ship descended further, down past numerous levels of the aggregate. Other cell ships, most larger, engaged and disengaged from the huge structure for reasons of their own. Tucker slowed their descent just in time. He was getting the hang of maneuvering this contraption. Archer didn’t make any distracting comments, but did help judge distances.
“A little more ... little more ... almost there ...”
Again they were thrown against each other. Archer shot him a look as they both got a touch of nostalgia about their inspection tour—how many days ago now?
“Right here,” Archer said. “All stop.”
The cell bonked to a halt. Through the port, they could see a circular airlock protruding from the Suliban complex. Tucker looked at him. Archer nodded. Why not?
They both began manipulating the controls. The ship began moving horizontally now, through the airlock.
Contact. The cell jolted slightly. A series of whirring mechanical sounds signaled that the docking ports were locking into place. They knew those sounds. Everybody who flew knew those sounds.
Abruptly, the hatch opened—on its own!
Archer flinched and put his hand on Tucker’s arm. Before them was a long, dimly lit corridor, completely unoccupied. Their own private entrance.
Tucker looked at him. “Well?”
Archer pulled out his phase pistol. “Why not?”
With their weapons drawn, they moved quickly through the corridor. Tucker carried the silver case with the magnetic disruption device inside. Archer kept eyeing the sensor scanner he held in his other hand. They rounded a corner, and came face to face with a—a face!
Caught by surprise, the Suliban soldier clutched for his own side arm, but Archer fired first.
The soldier dropped like a bag of sand.
For a moment, Archer and Tucker stood over him and looked at the weapon in Archer’s hand. Nice little unit.
“Stun seems to work ...” he commented.
And they kept moving.
T’Pol’s question provided mostly irritation to the crew around her.
Lieutenant Reed had nothing to report, but simply gripped his console as they rode out the nasty bit of weather and artillery fire. Beside him, Hoshi Sato had her earpiece tightly wedged in.
“The phosphorous is distorting all the EM bands,” she said dubiously—then she yanked her earpiece out and called, “Grab onto something!”
Two rapid booms throbbed through the skin of the ship, followed immediately by two sharp jolts powerful enough to send the whole ship on a dive. Reed flinched as the console before him blew out, lathering his face with sparks. Streams of gas and showers of debris doused the bridge.
Reed pulled himself back to the console as the sparking reduced itself automatically. Was anyone hurt? He glanced around—no, Mayweather seemed all right. So did Hoshi, though shaken. T’Pol still held the command chair, and gave no orders to break off their course or altitude.
“This is ridiculous!” Reed complained. “If we don’t move the ship, Captain Archer won’t have anything to look for when he gets back!”
T’Pol had a stubborn streak, but she wasn’t foolish. After a moment of consideration, she turned to Hoshi. “We’re going to need that ear of yours.”
Hoshi pulled herself back to her position and pressed the listening device to her ear again.
“Mr. Mayweather,” T’Pol addressed, “move us away, five kilometers.”
“In what direction?”
“Any direction.”
The ship trembled with effort, and began to rise. Malcolm Reed held his breath, knew this was his suggestion, and although he also knew everyone else was thinking the same thing, he began now a whole new worry.
Though they would now survive to be found, how would the captain and Tucker find them?
Klingon life-signs. A whole new quiver for an Earth sensor system.
However, being a machine, the sensor didn’t care one way or the other and led them dutifully to the source.
Archer went through the door first, with Tucker right behind him, weapons drawn. And there was their big buddy, restrained in an elaborate chair-like thing, with tubes and devices attached to his body. He was alive, but semiconscious. Through a window, steel-blue light flowed from the phosphorous layer, lending a weird cast to the Klingon’s skin, and Archer’s and Tucker’s, too.
Archer gestured. Tucker immediately went to the Klingon and started unstrapping him. The Klingon stared, but didn’t fight or make any noise.
“This is gonna be easier than I thought,” Tucker said winningly. “It’s okay,” he added to Klaang. “We’re getting you off this thing.”
The third and final restraint slapped to the floor. Klaang, now free, suddenly erupted. He raised his arm, clubbed Tucker in the chest, and very easily blew the engineer across the room. Tucker landed in a heap, shocked. Klaang stood to his full height and ripped the tubes and wires from his limbs.
Locking his stance, Archer raised his weapon—the interstellar common language.
“I really don’t want to have to carry you out of here,” he warned.
Klaang grew much more passive in the face of the unfriendly weapon. He wisely hesitated.
“I think he gets the idea,” Archer said. “Give him a hand.”
Tucker hesitated, too, not wanting to get close to the enormity again, but he steeled himself and gave Klaang a supporting hand as they followed Archer out the door.
Bearing the weight of the huge Klingon, Tucker rapidly became a gasping lump following Archer through the corridor.
“Qu’taw boh!” the Klingon roared, half dazed.
“Be quiet,” Archer snapped.
“Muh tok!”
A blast tore a chunk out of the wall. Suliban soldiers!
Archer dove to the left, Tucker and Klaang to the right, for cover.
“Dajvo Tagh! Borat!”
“You tell him, big guy.” Tucker hid behind the Klingon—or was he pinned back there?
“Give me the box,” Archer called.
Trip slid the silver case’s strap off his shoulder and handed it to him. Just then, a Suliban attacker rushed into view from an adjoining corridor and caught them by surprise. As the Suliban took aim at Archer and Tucker, the Klingon suddenly rose like a grizzly bear.
The Suliban was caught under its chin and went flying into a bulkhead. Klaang followed him, caught him, and joyously pounded him unconscious.
A moment later he simply turned and came back to Archer and Tucker, rumbling with satisfaction.
“Thanks,” Tucker said—more of that interstellar language.
But their moment of unity was ruined by another Suliban, and another after him, and more weapons blasting at them.
“Get to the ship!” Archer ordered. “I’ll be right behind you!”
Tucker shot him a horrified look, but he had agreed not to argue. Getting the Klingon off was the important thing. Tucker grabbed the mountainous stranger and hauled him down the corridor.
Archer crouched, alone now, with the silver case. He removed the rectangular device and attached it with its own magnetics to the nearest wall, then activated it with the encoded authorization.
Then he dropped to his knees and covered his head, and hoped to live.